25 Things You don’t Know About Me # 10 – Bailey from Peppermint Bliss

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Happy Tuesday! 
Let’s just cut to the chase shall we.
Today Bailey from Peppermint Bliss fame is here to share her “25 Things”. This gal has mad skills in the decor department. I love that she is fearless with colour & just about anything goes. Take a peek at some of her interiors.

Bailey also has a shop, Biscuit where you can purchase some delightful bed linens & other goodies.


1. I have 3 hidden tattoos. They are all stupid. 

2. I hate bananas. 
3. I got kicked out of my boarding school senior year. #naughty
4. I am absolutely terrified of needles. 
5. In 2006 I bought a 3 day pass to the ACL music festival in Austin. I arrived, used the portapotty, ate a cheeseburger, and left. Never to return.
6. Sometimes I forget to brush my teeth at night. And sometimes, when I do, I use my husband’s toothbrush when my perfectly good toothbrush is sitting right next to his. He doesn’t know this either.
7. I know a LOT of really violent and foul rap lyrics by heart. I memorized them all to impress a boy in high school. 
8. I could happily eat buttered noodles every night for dinner.
9. I never liked breakfast until I discovered the Bacon Artisan Breakfast Sandwich from Starbucks, and I eat one most days, and it is the highlight of those days.
10. People always assume my favorite color is pink, it is not. Green is. 
11. I used to exclusively wear high heels, but after breaking my foot 3 years ago I can’t ever wear them again.
12. I am allergic to mosquitos.
13. I went to college in DC before transferring to University of Texas.
14. I went to boarding school in Connecticut.
15. Mexican food is the best food.
16. I have had the same cell phone number since I got my first cell phone for my 15th Birthday.
17. I am a fancy gypsy. In the past 10 years I have lived in Connecticut, DC, Austin, Houston, and Chicago.
18. After my college graduation, my best friend and I took a 6 week roadtrip from Houston to Montreal and back. It was one of the best experiences of my life.
19. I wear bike shorts under dresses. Initially for modesty while playing with my baby girl, but now I like them also for their spanx-lite affects.
20. The term “Bride-Zilla” is super nerdy/annoying. I also probably was a bride-zilla and spent nearly 2 years engaged planning my wedding.
21. Cheesy as it sounds, I was in love at first site with my husband when we met Freshman year of college.
22. I have extra tiny hands.
23. If I could only go 5 places for the rest of my life, including where I live, they would be Houston, Aspen, Chicago, Cabo san Lucas, and The Amalfi Coast.
24. I like one of my dogs more than the other. I hope this doesn’t make me a bad parent. 
25. I crave a simpler life but am always adding new things to my world. 


Thanks Bailey for stopping by & sharing a bit more of yourself with us. If you don’t already follow Ms. Bailey on Instagram you must, she has been giving teasers of Project Holly & I am dying to see the finished result.

Until Tomorrow my friends:)

holliecooperinteriors25 Things You don’t Know About Me # 10 – Bailey from Peppermint Bliss

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