Happy Monday!

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I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mine was very nice.
While in the midst of taking things down to the new sewing room, I set up what I could for the family room. I found myself doing a complete re-arrangment / accessorizing & simplifying of the living room too.
I didn’t purchase anything new for the living room, I simply moved things around from other areas of the house.
 Funny how it all snowballs – I’m so happy with how it’s turned out!
On Saturday B, O & I ventured to our local IKEA, they played at the kids area and I got this sofa for the family room.  
 I gave myself a strict budget and after this purchase, I have to think wisely on how I am going to use the rest of the money.

To refresh you memory, this is my plan for the room.

On Sunday my Mom hosted a baby shower for her friends daughter, and I made up 20 of these.

A cupcake rattle, all boxed up with a pink bow and cute bunny tag for each guest to take away.

I know I said the reveal on Operation Sewing Room would be today, but 2 more things need to happen, so later this week, I promise.

I hope you have a great day!
See you tomorrow.

Hollie xo

holliecooperinteriorsHappy Monday!

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