The Great Purge of 2013 – Closet Envy

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Well I finally did it! I painstakingly went through my closet & tried on every piece of clothing in it.  Many of the pieces I have not worn in years and other had only been put on my body once or twice, so I knew right off the bat they were going. Others I had to think about, but in the end I showed no mercy. I was on a mission. Like all of us I fell into the “That will fit me again” or “I paid a lot for that, I’ll just hang onto it” mindset & that’s how I ended up with this mess!

After a few hours this is how it all look now.

All of this will be going to consignment. Maybe I can recoup a bit to put towards a few new staple pieces…or shoes!

I did my best, considering the sloped ceiling in the closet but I do have dreams of one day having a walk in closet. Here are some at the top of my list.

1/4/5 – images are unknown via Pinterest

When is the last time you did a purge? & do you have a case of closet envy too?

holliecooperinteriorsThe Great Purge of 2013 – Closet Envy

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