25 Things You don’t Know About Me # 9 – Erica Cook of Moth Design

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Good Morning, it’s Tuesday so that means it’s time to learn some more random facts about some of our favourite bloggers.

Erica is one of the kindest & most thoughtful people, that I have never met. Check out #17 on her list, telling how she came up with the name of her business, that pretty much says it all! I can only imagine this talented, mother of 5 to be even more amazing in person. Speaking of talented, if you have not already seen her feature in the latest edition of Rue click here.

Take it away Erica


1. There’s nothing I relish more than the idea of a great movie night with popcorn. However, I absolutely cannot eat popcorn. I hate the way it feels in my teeth. 

2. I have 3 tattoos. It’s been difficult to keep it to 3. 

3. I’m an only child that ended up having 5 boys. Now I seriously contemplate a foster child/children. When my Nana passed away in January I learned that she had profoundly changed the life of a foster child.This woman credited my Nana for her success and for having had the experience of feeling loved and part of a family for the first time in her life. I think it’s a pretty amazing gift to give someone if you can. 

4. I love wearing matching undergarments (does that sound weirdly proper?). It’s an indulgence that just makes me happy.

5. Bedtime ritual, I almost always dab a drop of perfume behind my ears. 

6. I am seriously kind of phobic about fitting rooms and bare feet. I panic that I’ll get a wart. It means I often refuse to try things on in store. 

7. I should follow #6 up with the fact that the cause for concern is my issue with socks. I don’t like to wear them and therefore almost always have bare feet. It does always mean justification for regular pedicures. Not so bad. 

8. Revlon Fire and Ice lipstick has become my signature shade. 

9. I abstained from profanity of any kind in front of my boys for several years. I wanted to always be the best example I could be. I went away on a girls weekend and my self imposed censorship became a case of full out curse mouth syndrome. Now I’m back to swear restriction, but it’s much harder. 

10. I had my first peanut butter and jam sandwich at the ripe age of 30. Yeah, I know that’s strange. I liked pb & j so much that I ate it on whole wheat english muffins daily for about 3 months after that. Until, as imagined, pb & j wore out it’s welcome for a little bit. Now I’m back to loving in moderation.    

11. I love music and am always on the lookout for something new to listen to obsessively. 

12. This reminds me, I like to drive really fast with my music loud. Considering safety I settle for the music when the boys aren’t in the car. 

13. If it were up to me I’d eat italian and mexican pretty much every other day.

14. My boys and I have been vegetarian for over 12 years. 

15. My Dad tells the story that at age 3 I walked up to a complete stranger, admired her infant son and told her that I would one day have 5 boys. How did I know?

16. I absolutely treasure my art collection. I am constantly keeping my eyes out for art that speaks to me and now I’ve run out of wall space. 

17. There are secret meanings in almost everything I do. For instance the Moth in Moth Design actually stands for Making Others Truly Happy. No one really knew that but it worked for me. I often buy things with fives in them… it’s symbolic of 5 boys. 

18. I sing almost every day. My range is a whole octave higher than it was a few years ago. 

19. I am extremely laid back and always have been to the point that people often mistake it for complacency. It’s not, I’m just content and not easily rattled. 

20. When I was 10, I was swept away in a river current at a day camp with a friend and almost drowned. I can still remember seeing the bubbles above me but not being able to get to the surface. A brave 12 year old boy, named Kevin, ran along the shore through the brush and stretched out a branch when we bobbed up and saved us. To this day I still think of that amazing boy and wish I could thank him. 

21. When my third boy, Riley, was 10 days old he became critically ill and was in intensive care and on support for 10 days. It was a harrowing time. The only thing I could do for him, being hooked up to so many things, was to whisper in his ear. I recited Winken, Blinken and Nod repeatedly because it was the only thing I knew by heart. Now when I travel I always look for Winken, Blinken and Nod books but they’re very difficult to find. So back to #s 2 and 17- this is why I have a moon and 5 stars on the inside of my left wrist, closest to my heart. 

22. I’ve kind of had a school of hard knocks life at times. I’ve lost relationships with people. There have been lots of deaths, tragedies, accidents and illnesses. Of course these things aren’t pleasant but the greatest positive outcome has been the degree to which I appreciate life and the people in our lives. I am loyal to a fault. I find negative people disheartening and am very guarded with whom I let in. 

23. I have a freaky high pain tolerance. Its a hinderance because I always leave things too long. On the bright side it meant I had 4 out of 5 babies with no epidural. 

24. I love to travel and almost always take just carry on regardless of the length of the trip.

25. My favourite flowers are white freesias and white lilies, ranunculus and anemones. 

This was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Thanks so much for having me on the Pink Zipper blog Hollie! xoxo


What did I tell you? Erica did not disappoint. If you don’t already follow Erica on Instagram you should, she was just named Instagram maven by Standard Issue too!

Have a wonderful day!

holliecooperinteriors25 Things You don’t Know About Me # 9 – Erica Cook of Moth Design

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