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We arrived safely to our Hotel, The Hotel Mela. FYI – did you know that Mela in italian means Apple? After what could have taken 8 hours, actually took 11 & we faced a case of  from O, my little guy.  I have to say all in all for someone who has a problem spending more than 30 minutes in … Read More


Project Hair Salon Update

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Here has been lots of progress and decisions on the Hair Salon, so I thought that I would share what’s happening. We only have the month of April to make this amazing transformation, so timing is everything and stuff is getting ordered so it’s ready and waiting. This Exterior option has been approved This is the final for the interior … Read More

holliecooperinteriorsProject Hair Salon Update


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I have been waiting with baited breath for the  in my area to open  I had visions of driving home like this guy I was really wanting to see  &  There wasn’t much selection left, it was very picked over and many items we completely sold out,but I did see a few things that might have to make their way into … Read More


A Little About Me & The Sale

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Morning All I want to start with a GIANT Congrats to my friend Christine of Bijou & Boheme and family on the safe and highly anticipated birth of child number 4, Jasper! I thought I would share a bit about myself & how I came to be apart of the world of interiors. From an early age I was exposed … Read More

holliecooperinteriorsA Little About Me & The Sale

New York Here We Come

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We are going on a  to  The Hubs & I, B & O, my mom and her husband will be spending Easter in the Big Apple, one of my most favourite places. I’m trying to be positive but this family keep popping into my head. Now, I know we are not the Grizwald’s, far from it, but 4 adults and 2 … Read More

holliecooperinteriorsNew York Here We Come

The catch all

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Hello Lovelies You know the room of the house that ends up being the “catch all”, well that is my office.  I know you have one too!  When we built our house I was hell bent on having a dining room, “we’ll use it” I kept telling my husband. Fast forward 7 years, & the dining room had been used maybe a dozen … Read More

holliecooperinteriorsThe catch all

Kelly Behun|STUDIO

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You have seen her work in glossy pages many times. Kelly Behun is one talented lady and her design philosophy is all about encouraging experimentation & to collaborate with contemporary artists pioneering designs Below is just the tip of the iceberg of Kelly’s work I love how Kelly’s style in design is very controlled, yet stands out with fabulous art, … Read More

holliecooperinteriorsKelly Behun|STUDIO

Presentation Day

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Hello lovely peeps I had felt it coming on last week and began with a really sore throat. Then by Sunday my eyes were watery and red, like after you’ve had a really good cry. Walking down the laundry/ cleaning product isle at Walmart was a whole other story, with all of the scents it was like a symphony of … Read More

holliecooperinteriorsPresentation Day

Coco de Paris

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Happy Monday Sorry about no post Friday, I had lots on my plate that day! I love finding new art / artists who do things that are fun, colourful, and not too serious. Coco de Paris is an Etsy shop that I love for whimsical art.  Vintage dictionary and book pages are used as the canvas, and due to the fact … Read More

holliecooperinteriorsCoco de Paris

Design Board – Project Hair Salon

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Yesterday was very productive. I managed to complete my concept design board for  Project: Hair Salon At my client meeting I asked everyone to give me in a few words to describe the feeling that they would like the salon space to have. Here are their words: fresh crisp clean loft white tidy pretty minimal simple uncluttered storage so based … Read More

holliecooperinteriorsDesign Board – Project Hair Salon