30 Day Squat Challenge Starts Today

holliecooperinteriorsUncategorized2 Comments

Today I am starting a 30 Day Squat Challenge. 
I’m hoping for a more toned and lifted derriere.
The 3x’s a week Yoga practices, 3x’s a week stair master sessions & the clean eating are great but I wanted to amp it up a bit more.
 I found this on Pinterest the other day & decided to do it.
So here is where you come in. Join me on the 30 day squat challenge. 
Pin this program & hopefully others will join in on the challenge. 
Instagram your progress, likes & dislikes with #30daysquatchallenge.
It will only take a few minutes per day, but your ass will thank you for it!

holliecooperinteriors30 Day Squat Challenge Starts Today

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