Jumping in with Both Feet…

holliecooperinteriorsUncategorized2 Comments

Well here I go.

I’m taking the plunge.

via pinterest

I can’t believe I’m, actually going to do this.

via pinterest

This is my very first blog post, ever.

The Pink Zipper
I decided to create this blog as an outlet to share my thoughts, not just on interior design,
but there will be lot’s of that!

My hope is to divvy up my

design crushes


current projects

the never-ending parental odyssey
 to help make the day to day grind a little more beautiful,
with a dose of humour!

Why are you saving the Gramdma’s china for a special occasion anyways?
You’re special aren’t you?

via pinterest

I’ll also fill you in on my everyday life with my husband of 12 years
 my 4 year old twins

Plus all of the other great stuff that goes on in these parts.

So basically what makes me, me!
Hollie xo

holliecooperinteriorsJumping in with Both Feet…

2 Comments on “Jumping in with Both Feet…”

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