Wedding Outfit & a Room

holliecooperinteriorsUncategorized1 Comment

With summer upon us brings Wedding Season. We have 2 weddings this summer. One in June & one in July. This is what I’m going to wear to the event in June! I already have the shoes & picked up the dress on the weekend.
For fun I thought that I would put a look together of what I am going to wear & to top it off create a room inspired by the look. 

side table
cocktail table
mirrors – unknown
leopard pilows
coral & white pillows
lavender pillows – unknown

Well I’m off to see 2 clients today. I’m hoping to share these projects with you tomorrow.

If you like what you see and are interested in working together or are interested in sponsorship please contact me. Together we can make amazing things happen!

holliecooperinteriorsWedding Outfit & a Room

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