Week End Round Up & Sara Wilde Photography

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I hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was very nice, thank you. My hubby & I attended the wedding of his friends on Saturday and it was so simple, personable & a ton of fun! It took place at the Enoch Turner School House in Toronto, an old school house that has been turned into an event space. The couple really ran with the whole school house theme, books, lined paper, typewrite font, library cards & date stamps.
A stack of vintage school books were the perfect base for the collection of
mismatched glass vases that held an assortment of colourful flowers.

The place cards were library cards.

Each table was called up to the buffet when their song played. The song related to the guests at the table.

The front of the ceremony space was so simple. Vintage letters, representing the first names of the bride & groom. More collected glass vases held clusters of colourful blooms & the only source of light in the room was 4 strings of vintage bulbs.

The take aways were home made apple jam – delicious!
The photography for the event was taken by Sara Wilde Photography. 
I could just tell that this gal was getting some great pics, so I perused out her portfolio and by golly, she’s good! So much so that we are planning a little photo session for ourselves. Check out he amazingness by Sara.

To see more of Sara click here.
Later Gators!
holliecooperinteriorsWeek End Round Up & Sara Wilde Photography

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