White Girl Problems by Babe Walker

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 Happy Friday Friends

For Christmas my hubby got me this book.
Now, I had not asked for this book, nor had I ever heard of it. He said he’d heard that it was a hilarious read & I would really like it.
Well, I have to admit I don’t read as often as I would like. Although, in the last year I have done a bit more than usual, but they are all what I like to call, “fluffy” books. Can anyone say Fifty Shades Trigoly?

Nothing too serious for this gal.

I read the back, and it went like this:
“Babe Walker, centre of the universe, is a painstakingly manicured white girl with an expensive smoothie habit, a proclivity for Louboutins, a mysterious mother that she’s never met, and approximately 50 bajillion Twitter followers. But her “problems” have landed her in shopping rehab – that’s what happens when you spend $246,893.50 in one afternoon at Barneys. Now she’s decided to write her memoir, revealing the gut-wrenching hurdles she’s had to overcome in order to be perfect in every way, every day.
Hurdles such as:
*I hate my horse
*Every job I’ve had is the worst job I’ve ever had
*He’s not a doctor, a lawyer, or a prince
*I’ll eat anything as long as it’s gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb, low-fat, low-calorie, sugar-free & organic”
After reading that bit, I knew I was going to love it!
How could you not with a head shot like this.
White Girl Problem is a must read for those of us who appreciate fashion and a wicked sense of satire & humour.  
This book is filled with fab fashion illustrations.

The chapter names / descriptions are pretty good too!

If you have NOT read this book, it is a must, trust me. Everyone can use a book like this every once and a while, or if you have a copy pass it on for someone else to enjoy.
You can find more out about this character in all of these places
The reveal of Project Ensuite Evolution will be happening Monday, so come back!
Hollie xo
holliecooperinteriorsWhite Girl Problems by Babe Walker

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